Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Start of yet another blog.

So Eric told me to get a blogger. I don't know what the difference between this and xanga is, but yea... I'll try and keep this up while I'm in Italy, but no guarantees.


Eric Chiang said...
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Eric Chiang said...

i expect daily blogging from you. if not, at least bi-weekly. what you do. what you see. what you EAT. how your stomach is adjusting to the food. that kind of stuff. haha. tell me if you still want to borrow the diarrhea medicine. don't worry sharon. i'll keep it on the downlow (wink)

h0b0j0n said...

not sure if its on the download now that everyone can read your comment my friend =P

i still think you shoulda done a crazier title like "SHARONS SUPER FUN ITALIAN CROSSCOUNTRY OF FUN" or osmething like that

h0b0j0n said...

also include the sexy italian men and the creepy guys you meet =)